
February 16, 2023

Aimee Bogan

What are Healthy Boundaries?

Healthy boundaries in relationships involve setting limits for oneself and respecting the limits of others. This includes being clear about one’s own needs, wants, and values, and being able to communicate them effectively. For instance:

  • Setting limits on how much time and energy one is willing to give to a relationship
  • Being able to say “no” when something makes one uncomfortable or is not in alignment with one’s values
  • Being able to ask for what one needs in a relationship and being able to accept the answer, even if it is not what one wanted to hear
  • Being able to maintain one’s own identity and interests outside of a relationship
  • Being able to communicate openly and honestly with loved ones

Setting and maintaining healthy boundaries in relationships is essential for maintaining a sense of self and protecting one’s emotional well-being. It can also help to create a deeper sense of trust and respect in a relationship.

Tips for Skill Building:

  1. Identify your personal boundaries: Take some time to reflect on what you are comfortable with in terms of communication, time spent together, and types of interactions.
  2. Communicate your boundaries: Clearly and respectfully communicate your boundaries to your friends. Listen to their perspectives and be open to negotiation and compromise.
  3. Once boundaries are set, it’s important to respect them. If a friend crosses a boundary, calmly bring it to their attention and work together to find a resolution.
  4. Prioritize self-care: It’s important to prioritize your own well-being and to set boundaries that support it. This may mean saying no to invitations or limiting time spent with friends who have a negative impact on your life.
  5. Give space: Friendships naturally have ups and downs, and sometimes a little space can be a good thing. Encourage your friends to take breaks and prioritize their own self-care as well.
  6. Be flexible: Life is constantly changing, and so are personal boundaries. Be open to re-evaluating and adjusting your boundaries as needed.

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